Postcards from Penguin is pretty much what is says on the tin - 100 beautifully thick and heavy-duty postcards of iconic Penguin books covers. I can never resist the look of the orange-and-white paperbacks, which, although originally released to be cheap and cheerful books, I almost prefer to modern versions. If ever I see a penguin classics version by one of my favourite authors, I usually have to buy it for my collection!

The only issue with the classic covers is that they are, well, so orange. I always wanted to frame some as a form of affordable art, and I couldn't quite face the prospect of orange on my pale cobalt-blue walls. Luckily the array of 100 book covers is very colourful! So, I created a collage of all the blue-based (non-fiction) Penguin covers....
What do you think?
E xxx
P.S. You can get 100 lovely postcards from the children's "Puffin" books, and "Ladybird, too. The Penguin Modern Classics collection is probably the classiest for the more grown-up among you...
I love it! What a brilliant idea!